Entries by Gabe

Safety Features Every Pool Should Have

Swimming and relaxing in a pool can be exactly what you need to stay fit and healthy, both physically and mentally. That only works if the pool you’re swimming in is safe. Safety should always be the primary concern whenever a pool is involved. Fortunately, there are safety features that can make it safer to […]

Can I Use My Hot Tub during the Winter?

Summer may seem like a great time to use your hot tub, especially those summer nights when you just want to relax and unwind. Have you ever considered using your hot tub during the winter? It may seem a little odd due to the juxtaposition in temperatures if your hot tub is outside. That doesn’t […]

How to Winterize Your Pool

Pools are fantastic during the hotter months of the year. There’s nothing quite like having the option to jump in for a refreshing swim whenever you like. Most people don’t use their pools once the weather turns cold, though. If you’re one of them, you need to know how to winterize your pool. Cleaning and […]

Need to Relax after the Back-to-School Craziness? 3 Things to Try

Kids are back in school. The beginning of the school year is always hectic. There are school supplies to purchase, extracurricular activities to sign up for, and class schedules to finalize. All that running around can leave you feeling overwhelmed and in need of a good relaxation session. Here are three ways you can kick […]

What Is Pool Shocking All About?

You know you need to keep your pool clean for it to be safe to swim in. Have you heard of shocking your pool? If you’re a new pool owner, you may not have: What is it all about, and is it any different from the normal water balancing you do? As it turns out, […]

How Do I Know When to Close My Pool for the Season?

You love swimming in your pool. That’s why you have one. No matter how much you like using it, however, you may not be able to use it year-round. When the weather turns cold, it’s time to start thinking about closing your pool for the season. Still, there’s no sense in closing it sooner than […]

Top 3 Benefits of Choosing a Gunite Pool

Did you know that there are different types of in-ground pools? Some are made from fiberglass, while others are made from vinyl. Gunite is another option. Gunite pools are made by creating a shell from concrete that is reinforced with steel. Gunite is a combination of sand, concrete, and water. It’s then coated with a […]

Fun Ways to Light Up Your Pool for Your Summer Pool Parties

Pool parties are one of the summer’s delights. With warm weather extending through the day and into the night, it’s the perfect season to enjoy an evening pool party that goes until after the sun disappears from the sky. Of course, once the sun is down, you’ll need other ways to light your pool. Landscape […]

What Color Should My Pool Be?

So you’ve decided to add a pool to your property and you’re getting ready to design it. You’ve thought about what size it should be to comfortably fit in your yard and you have an idea of what shape would be best. Now, what color should you make it? As it turns out, there are […]

3 Types of Pool Heaters Compared

There’s nothing quite like slipping into a pool when the water is at just the right temperature. While there may be seasons or times of day when the pool water is at an ideal temperature without any extra help, a pool heater will be necessary at other times to maintain the perfect temperature. The thing […]