Marquis ConstantClean+



ConstantClean 1. To remove surface contaminants such as body oils, lotions and skin cells, Vortex skimmers direct surface water into the filter cartridge(s) to trap contaminants and particulate.
2. To remove settled debris from the bottom of the spa, deep water is drawn up from the footwell through a safety suction fitting.
3. Water drawn into the safety suction fitting is forced upward through the filter cartridge(s) to trap debris, after which it mixes with filtered water from the surface skimmers, resulting in complete filtration from top to bottom.
4. Filtered water is drawn into the primary jet pump.
5. Water is immediately routed through the high-flow heater assembly. If the hot tub is equipped with ConstantClean+, the water now splits into two separate sanitation paths.
ConstantClean+ 6. In the first path, the high-output, energy-efficient ozonator converts oxygen (O2) into activated ozone gas (O3). The Mazzei® injector mixes the ozone with filtered water.
7. Bacteria and other contaminants are oxidized before the O3 reverts back into O2. This process destroys bacteria at the molecular level, dissolving its cellular structure and eradicating it.
8. Residual ozone and converted oxygen are reintroduced into the spa water through a dedicated fitting for maximum efficiency. Any remaining O3 reverts back into O2.
9. In the second path, the dual-cartridge in-line sanitation system treats water with natural minerals and sanitizer before reentering the spa.